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Program esemény
Projekt esemény
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Nyertes Projektek

Development and promotion of ecological tourism opportunities (rural tourism) of the North-East Great Plain and the Apuseni Mountains range
Akroníma: TermbarTurÉAÉSz
Pályázati felhívás: HURO/0801
Prioritás: Priority 2
Tevékenységi terület: 2.1.3. Development of tourism – small scale investments in tourism attractions and tourism infrastructure
Regisztrációs szám: HURO/0801/160
A projekt teljes költségvetése:
Megítélt ERFA támogatás:
Projekt kezdete: 2009. november 10.
Projekt befejezése: 2010. november 25.
Projekt státusz: befejezett
The aim of the project is to link the tourism of the two areas: the Hungarian Great Plain and the Romanian Apuseni Mountains. The main activities are: development of touristy packages, development of tourism path, marketing activity (1 short movie about the present of the region eco-tourism, 1 short movie about the touristy values of the territory and 10 short movies about the touristy paths), The target group is formed by touristy and ecologic authorities from the area of the three counties, tourists and inhabitants of the area. Among the project results: 1 bilingual website, 3 workshops, 12 short movies, 10 tourist roads.


ERFA támogatás/Vezető Partner

Debreceni Természetbarát Turisztikai Egyesület
Hungary, Hajdú-Bihar, 4032 Debrecen, Poroszlay utca 71. II/8

ERFA támogatás/Projekt Partner 1

Centrul pentru Arii Protejate şi Dezvoltare Durabilă Bihor
Romania, Bihor, P-ta 1 Decembrie, nr. 4-6, Oradea

ERFA támogatás/Projekt Partner 2

Asociaţia Infotour Carei
Romania, Satu Mare, 445100 Carei, str. 1 Grădina Viilor 21