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Nyertes Projektek

Common Waste Management System for Selective Waste Collection and Pre-Processing - Studies and Plans
Akroníma: BiBekRecycle
Pályázati felhívás: HURO/0801
Prioritás: Priority 1
Tevékenységi terület: 1.3.4 Preparation of studies and plans
Regisztrációs szám: HURO/0801/089
A projekt teljes költségvetése:
Megítélt ERFA támogatás:
Projekt kezdete: 2009. november 15.
Projekt befejezése: 2010. november 15.
Projekt státusz: befejezett
Nor in Salonta or in Sarkad towns are there up-to-date recycling systems. In Sarkad, the semi-selected waste material is sent to the recycling centre in Bekescsaba, what is relatively far away. In Salonta, there is no solution, so the city should build a recycling centre until 2013. Both cities prefer to build a common system to collect and recycling waste. If a modern centre is working in Salonta, and the well-selected, semi-processed waste is sent to this neighbour town, it would be an optimal solution for both. The general objective of the project is promote cross-border cooperation in the recycling sector and sustain the environment by developing a cross-border recycling system in the area - fight against the bad conditions of the rural area. Target groups: municipalities (major, deputies, project managers, chief-architects); civil organizations; citizens in the action area. The main specific activities of the project are: Surveys, studies (comparative financial studies on needs and solutions, comparative study on legislation, translation) Feasibility studies (feasibility study, environmental study, translation) Technical plans (technical plans for improvements in Salonta, technical plans for improvements in Sarkad) Communication (dodgers, as promotion instrument, promotion in the local media, urban forum for citizens and civil organizations; final conference for authorities, chambers and entrepreneurs). Main results: 4 studies (Environmental, Financial, Legislative, And Feasibility); 2 plans (in Sarkad and in Salonta); 1 common promotion actions.


ERFA támogatás/Vezető Partner

Consiliul Local al Municipiului Salonta
Romania, Bihor, 1, str. Republicii, Salonta

ERFA támogatás/Projekt Partner 1

Sarkad Város Önkormányzata
Hungary, Békés, 5720 Sarkad, Kossuth u. 27.